sunnuntai 29. toukokuuta 2016

Fanfiction Explained and Recommendations

Severitus fanfiction is popular. (Severitus means that Snape is Harry's father.)

Fanfiction Explained and Recommendations

Yay! My first blog is done and this blog will have the English translations of it here, since many of the things I'll recommend may not be found in Finnish.

The first thing I should probably do is explain Fanfiction as not that many actually know about it, yet. Fanfiction is fiction written by fans about their favorite fandoms like Harry Potter. The stories are about the characters from the fandom or completely original characters wherever and whenever the writer wants them to be. Fanfiction was born about 50 years ago, when fans were inspired by Star Trek. (Slash fanfiction means a story about gay romance.)

Star Trek: Kirk and Spock. *Poof* Slash is born.

As anyone can write fanfiction online, this means that there are huge amounts of porn and bad writing, but whenever you find a story as good as a published book you'll be happy for quite a while, especially if the story is to your taste. Harry Potter is one of the largest fandoms out there, with over a million stories, so you can find everything from stories meant for children to adults in different genres. You may want to check out recommendations to find the high quality stories faster, or you can search for the stories with most reviews/bookmarks/favorites.

The two largest sites containing fanfiction from many different fandoms are ( and AO3 ( deletes some stories to clean their site, so you can find some kid friendlier stories there. It has also existed a lot longer than AO3. AO3 was born when the writes got tired of their stories getting deleted and there only the writers can delete their stories. (This means there is a lot of kinky porn there.) Both sites have amazing stories, though in my opinion AO3 is a bit more pleasant to read because of the format. Both sites have excellent filters and search engines

Here are two of my favorite stories from Harry Potter fandom and Thor from Avengers:

Practicing Liars by Lomonaaeren: 
Summary: HPDM preslash, Severitus, AU. Harry found out he's Snape's son in his fourth year, and concealed the truth from Snape. Now, in his sixth year, he's dodging Snape's suspicions about him and trying to figure out Draco Malfoy. Life is complicated. COMPLETE. 
Comments: The story focuses on Harry, Snape and Draco. "Preslash" means that the relationship does not fully start in this story, there are mainly hints.

Bargaining by proantagonist:
Summary: Faced with an eternity without his brother, Loki strikes a bargain to change the past. Post TDW.
Comments: Loki is pretty insane and when he finds his brother's body he travels in time. This story focuses on the whole family and the attempts to heal Loki's mind.

If you need more recommendations, here are my favorites from the past 10 years:

P.S. When I'm going to start teaching English in senior high school at some point, I plan to recommend for the bookworms. That is how I learned most of my English. ;) 

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